I've decided to post the basic pattern for the heads I have been building for the Joshua Junebug series of puppets. In reality this pattern is just the starting point. So far only Joshua has used this exact pattern. All the others have been modifications. I post this so that others who are just beginning building puppets will have something to help them understand how to shape foam.

If you would like a higher resolution copy of this pattern I'd be happy to email one to you.
PS: I have posted a
video tutorial for building this pattern on You Tube. Hope this helps too.
Hi..I'd like to have a clearer resolution of the head pattern and some other patterns you have like animals ..kindly send it to my email address melgyver@gmail.com. I am also a pastor and would like to start again a puppet ministry in our church. Being a puppeteer was my first ministry in 1989-94..now that I am sending my own kid to sunday school, I'd really love to help by setting up puppet shows to teach young kids about the Lord and the bible...thank God for having a great site like this..His blessings will be upon you and this work...thanks...
My husband and I are starting a puppet ministry at our church and dont really know where to begin. we have some scripts, and some puppets but its and obscure combination, a cop a monkey and cheerleader so we would appreciate any patterns or tips you or anyone else could give us.
Thank you very much!
Tim and Kagan Masters
Hi... Old blog but hope you´re reading my request anyway. Wunder if you could send me some of your foam puppet patterns? I build a foam puppet when i was at bording school, but i didn´t get the patterns back then and i really would like to start again, so we can get some puppets to our local sunday school.
Sorry if my english are poor, i´m danish so:D
But thank you anyway.
My email is stine_keller@hotmail.com
For the past year I have been using prebuilt puppets, at a very large expense, to do a video puppet ministry at our church called the Rocky and Helping Hand Show. I have finally come up with a final format on how I would like it too look. This will require many new puppets and I just cant find ones that match what I would like to show. I have made some puppets (to look like people I will interview and over lay their voices) but they just don't add up. I have many more ideas on puppet video series I would like to make after this one. The idea is to finish this one, then post them all for free so others can watch at home, or later download and use themselves for free. Here is what I am praying you can do for me and my team (family). Any advice, PATTERNS that I can modify, or ideas you have, please email me at PC_Santellana@att.net. You can also view what I have done so far at www.Rocky-hand.blogspot.com. Thank you and God bless.
Hi Jon,
I'd love to receive a copy of your puppet pattern. Could you also tell me what size the pattern should be printed on, I can't see any scale or anything indicating the size on the drawing. Do you also have patterns for the 'skin'?
I'd like to make puppet for a small 4 year old girl who went through a rough time with her parents splitting up in a rather nasty way.
Thanks a lot!
By the way, I love you puppets, I wish we had had that in Sunday school...
Kiwi Ed, I would love to send you the pattern you asked for but you did not forward me your email address. If you could do that to bashfulpuppet@gmail.com I'll pop it out to you.
Thank you for your informative site! I think your puppets are amazing. As a Christian home schooling mother, I am constantly looking for ways to entertain the children while helping them learn new concepts and values. I have decided to do some of this with the help of puppets. Would you mind sending me an "easy" pattern so I may get started? Thank you so much!
I wanted to say thanks for the pattern! Made a Audrey II from little shop of horrors puppet plant.
Hi there; I simply love your puppets and all the good work your doing in the lords name.
I plan on starting something similar at my church, mind emailing me the pattern?
Thank you very much.
Hi bashful Puppet
My husband and I are starting a puppet ministry at our church and would like to use your pattern. We have a pattern that we have used in the past, but it takes a lot of time to make it. I am hoping your pattern will be faster to make.
Please send the higher resolution pattern to: sgates@1sorc.com
Thank You for posting.
Shawna Gates
I'm olien from Indonesia...
now I join puppet ministry in my city.
n I would like to make a puppet.
would u send me a copy of your puppet pattern..
this is my email: li_enz@yahoo.com
Thank u...
God bless u
Hi, I am a children's Pastor In Naples Florida. we are starting a puppet ministry in our church very soon. I have always been interested in building my own puppets could you please send me a copy of your pattern my email is godskid398@embarqmail.com
Hello Jon
Thank you really so much, I want the big size of the pattern,
please ,
My email address is
I would love a higher resolution of the head pattern, thank you. my email is sunbeatle707@gmail.com
Snoop I've sent the pattern to your address. Enjoy
Hello, I'm from Brazil and I would love to have the head pattern! My email is quelsousa@gmail.com. Thank you!!
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